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KlezKamp Needs Your Help

From Sherry Mayrent:

Tayere fraynt:

When we established the Mayrent Institute for Yiddish Culture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, our hope was that our newly found institutional support would ensure a bright future for the work that Living Traditions has been doing for over two decades. While we remain confident that this goal is attainable, making the transition has been more challenging than expected. So now we need your help, and that of all those whose lives have been touched by KlezKamp over the years. Without your support, the future of this innovative and life-changing folk arts program is in jeopardy.

As you know, these are extremely challenging times for many arts and other nonprofit organizations. However, you may not be aware that KlezKamp tuition has never fully covered the costs of running the program. In order to make the event affordable, we have had to find additional support amounting to approximately $100,000 annually to cover the basic costs for the planning and organizing that continue throughout the year.

With the move to the Mayrent Institute, our limited resources are being strained more than ever. Although the University of Wisconisin will eventually help cover most of our administrative costs, KlezKamp and Living Traditions' programs need substantial support in this transitional period. And because the endowment of the Institute has not been completed, the financial foundation on which KlezKamp currently rests is dangerously unstable.

How can you help?

  1. Make a contribution to the newly established Adrienne Cooper Memorial Fund, which honors our beloved colleague and friend by providing support for the cultural work that was her passion. In addition to supporting the general work of Living Traditions, this fund will include a scholarship in Adrienne's name for a deserving Yiddish singer to attend KlezKamp. Please see Donate by Check or Credit Card, below:
  2. Tell your friends and family about KlezKamp and urge them to attend. We have always relied primarily on word of mouth. Now, more than ever, we need participants to help us keep the program viable.
  3. If you would like to contribute to the endowment for the Mayrent Institute, please contact the Living Traditions office and we will put you in touch with the UW Foundation to discuss your gift.
  4. We are standing at an important crossroads for Yiddish culture. Won't you join me in taking our first steps down the road to a secure future for KlezKamp and all that it represents?

    Mit a hartsikn dank,
    Sherry Mayrent, President, Living Traditions Board of Directors
    Associate Director, KlezKamp

    DONATE BY CHECK: Please mail checks, payable to Living Traditions Inc., to:

    Living Traditions Inc.
    207 W. 25th St., 4th floor
    New York, NY 10001.

    DONATE BY CREDIT CARD: Please click on the justgive link here.

    Or visit http://cts.vresp.com/c/?LivingTraditions/c54f642eda/d3ea5c6854/91cdf67b64 and click on the box at left: "Donate Using Just Give."

    Thank you!