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Kaleidoscope: Kol Rina and Nomadica, London, UK, Mar 20

Join us for a spectacular evening and experience two very different sounds from the World of Jewish Music

Sunday 20th March 2005
8.15pm (Doors open 7.45)
@ Cecil Sharp House in Camden
2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1
Nearest tube: Camden Town
Tickets £8 / £6 conc.

Reservations: To reserve seats please e-mail Kol Rina with a booking name and the number of seats you require. Your tickets will be held until 8pm after which they will be put on general sale—so please arrive early to pick up your tickets.

Check out www.kolrina.org/kaleidoscope for a map and more concert details

Kol Rina:
Close harmonies, thrilling invention and an infectious sense of fun are the hallmarks of Kol Rina, the UK's only mixed-voice Jewish a capella group. Influenced by anything from chassidic to gospel to pop, the compositions by its members have energised passages from traditional Jewish prayers. Kol Rina, meaning "voice of joy", released their first album "Ashira" in 2003 - and performed to rapturous audiences at events nationwide, including Limmud and Jewish Book Week. Find out why this 12-person ensemble—whose music is at turns stirring and rollicking—is one of the hottest acts in British Jewry's cultural revival.

Nomadica is a fusion of spine-tingling klezmer melodies with spicy Indian and Middle Eastern rhythms pulled together with a jazzy finish. Nomadica will transport you around Jewish Eastern Europe, adding a 21st century twist to the melodies of our ancestors. From a Jewish tango to a Bulgarian tune in 7/8 time, jazzformed Yiddish folk songs, and even a traditional Irish inspired piece, Nomadica will keep you transfixed and enthralled. With a lineup that includes the Indian tabla, Nomadica have opened ears to the possibilities of Klezmer Fusion and have been warmly received by audiences at the Spitz, Limmud and the V&A.

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