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"Di Yam Gazlonim", NYC, Mar 24, 2007

Folksbiene publicity photoThe Yiddish "Pirates of Penzance" Returns!

Di Yam Gazlonim is back at the JCC for a return engagement
The National Yiddish Theatre—Folksbiene is thrilled to bring Di Yam Gazlonim ("The Pirates of Penzance" in Yiddish) back to the JCC in Manhattan for a celebrated return engagement beginning Sunday, March 18th.

Performed in Yiddish with English and Russian supertitles

Mar 24, 8pm

Call 212-279-4200 or visit www.ticketcentral.com to order tickets. All tickets $40.

Folksbiene logoJCC in Manhattan - 334 Amsterdam Avenue @ 76th Street

Folksbiene website: www.folksbiene.org

Don't miss this chance to see the show that The New York Times called "brisk, bright and funny" and "a joyful treat."

Book and Lyrics by Al Grand
Directed by Allen Lewis Rickman
Musical Direction by Zalmen Mlotek

This limited engagement begins Sunday, March 18 for two weeks only.

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