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Jake Shulman-Ment's Magyar Khasene debuts, NYC, Mar 21

Debut concert of Jake Shulman-Ment's Magyar Khasene
Wednesday, March 21, 7pm
Eldridge Street Synagogue
12 Eldridge St. Manhattan
$12 adults; $8 students/seniors

Jake Shulman-Ment - violin
Pete Rushefsky - cymbalom
Laszlo Hajdu-Nemeth - kontra
Raul Rothblatt - bass
David Licht - percussion

Violinist Jake Shulman-Ment leads an old Hungarian-style band in a debut performance of music drawn from his own travels and research in Hungary and Transylvania, as well as from various source recordings. With its mix of universal East European Jewish melodies, localized Hungarian tunes and styles, and Gypsy influences, the Hungarian-Jewish folk repertoire resembles klezmer, but often departs from the style which has been popularized in recent years.

Includes reading by author Joshua Cohen from his debut novel, Cadenza for the Schneiderman Violin Concerto, a post-modern rumination on 20th-century culture, music and politics as told from the perspective of a brilliant but obscure Hungarian composer.

Also, check out this article out in the Jewish Week about the concert: www.thejewishweek.com/news/newscontent.php3?artid=13780

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