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Klezmokum, Deventer, the Netherlands, Nov 27, 2007

Starting on Satuday 17 November, Klezmokum will be touring Holland and in Belgium) with "Ancient & Newer Roots", a program of original works by Jewish composers dating back to the period around World War Two, now updated into contemporary comopositions. The works by Mikhl Gelbart, Kasriel Broydo, Beyle Schaechter Gottesman and others are in new arrangements by Burton Greene, pianist and leader of Klezmokum. The tour has been made possible by funding from Maror in Amsterdam and the Levi Lassen Foundation in The Hague. Most of the concerts will be at synagogues or other Jewish locations.

Tuesday 27 November 8.00:
Etty Hillesum Centre
in Deventer,
Roggestraat 3

In addition to traditional Chassidic melodies, there are also modern works by Matt Darriau (Klezmatics) and Bill Averbach (Austin Klezmorim), and by Sylke Rollig/Burton Greene included in Burton's arrangements. Nine of the compositions have already been recorded on a CD (BVHAAST CD 1205). Klezmokum combines originally Jewish music with Jazz and spontaneous improvisations, resulting in surprising modern music that retains the original atmosphere.

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