« Lori Cahan-Simon Chanukah concert, Cleveland, OH, 18 Dec 2011 | Main | Eleanor Reissa and the Klezmer Fusion Project, New York, NY, 18 December 2011 »

Lori Cahan-Simon and Walt Mahovlich, Cleveland, OH, 18 December 2011

A Chanukah concert presented by vocalist/folklorist Lori Cahan-Simon accompanied by Walt Mahovlich on accordion.

Yiddish songs rarely heard, collected by Lori, with texts by our most beloved poets set to music by the finest Jewish composers, from the 18th through 20th centuries, as well as a story by I.L. Peretz.

You can also purchase the CD at CD Baby here: http://www.cdbaby.com/lcahan3

When: Dec. 18th, 2011 at 3pm
Where: The Cleveland Workmen's Circle, at the Rockefeller Pointe building, 2490 Lee Blvd., Suite 300B, Cleveland Heights, OH. This is at the Northwest corner of Lee & Mayfield Roads, entrance at the rear.
How much: only $5 gets you a concert as well as frishe heyse latkes and other refreshments!!

RSVP requested by Dec. 14th.

Call (216) 381-4515 for reservations and information.
We will be accepting donations of non-perishable food items for our Mitzvah Food Pantry at the event.

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