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"Marc Chagall and the Moscow State Yiddish Theater", NYC, 5 May 2013

Yiddish Art on Stage:
Marc Chagall and The Moscow State Yiddish Theater
With Nikolai Borodulin

Sunday, May 5, 3PM
at WC/AR, 247 West 37th Street, 5th Floor, New York City
Admission is free and all are welcome!

Nikolai "Kolya" Borodulin directs educational programs for Yiddish students of all ages at the Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring. He is a recognized scholar and published author in several Slavic, Germanic, and Jewish languages. He has lectured extensively and developed and taught a wide range of courses for Yiddish and Jewish programs and conferences in universities and cultural institutions throughout the U.S., Canada, and Russia.

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