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Klezmatics, "Letters to afar", NYC, 12 Jan 2015

program graphicLive from the Gallery:
the Klezmatics play "Letters to Afar"

Mon, Jan 12, 7pm
Museum of the
City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue
(at 103rd Street)
New York, NY 10029

Join us for an extraordinary opportunity to experience Letters to Afar, the video art installation by Peter Forgacs with music by The Klezmatics. We will perform an acoustic version of the score we composed for the installation, along with other related music.

Guests are invited to wander through the gallery, absorbing Forgacs’ haunting re-staging of home movies made by immigrant New York Jews who traveled back to Poland in the 1920s and ‘30s.

This concert is open to the general public, and is also an APAP FLiArtist showcase.

More info: www.mcny.org/event/live-gallery-klezmatics-play-letters-afar

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