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David Buchbinder & Rhythm & Jews, 13 Dec 2015

David Buchbinder & Rhythm & Jews
Hart House Sunday Concert Series
A concert of traditional Klezmer music!

Sunday Dec 13th, 3pm Free
Great Hall
Hart House,
7 Hart House Circle,
University of Toronto, ON, Canada

FREE, limited seating—come early

David cut his musical teeth on klezmer music, and began as a bandleader by founding the iconic Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band. For this Hart House concert David returns to his roots by assembling an all-star ensemble to dig deep into traditional Klezmer music, featuring some little-heard, hauntingly beautiful music that will meet the more familiar sound of celebration.

Rhythm & Jews is:
David Buchbinder, trumpet
Jessica Hahn Deutsch, violin
John Williams, clarinet
Tania Gill, piano and accordion
Tom Richards, sousaphone

(Please note: the will be performing one long set only, so please come at 3pm)

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