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Svigals' "The Yellow Ticket," Palo Alto 18 Jan 2017

movie stillAlicia Svigal's original score to the 1918 silent film classic, "the Yellow Ticket," starring Pola Negri, with live score performed live by Alicia Svigals, violin/vocals; Marilyn Lerner, piano; Special guest Laura DeLuca (of the Seattle Symphony), clarinet.

Wed, Jan 18, 7:30pm
660 Lomita Dr., Stanford (The Knoll)
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

More info: jewishstudies.stanford.edu/event/yellow-ticket-alicia-svigals

Alicia SvigalsThe Yellow Ticket is a live multimedia concert event featuring the eponymous 1918 Pola Negri silent film with a performance of an original score by Alicia Svigals, one of the world's foremost klezmer fiddlers. The score is the newest commission from the Foundation's New Jewish Culture Network (NJCN) and marks the first feature-length film composition by Svigals who will perform live with virtuoso pianist Marilyn Lerner at each of the screenings of this cinema classic. Set in Poland and Tsarist Russia, the film portrays a woman's struggle to overcome adversity in a story of secret identifies, heroic measures, and triumphant love.

The Yellow Ticket PROMO from Jewish Culture on Vimeo.

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