
March 30, 2011

David Botwinik on WUNR, 30 Mar 2011

7:30 in Ovnt - Af WUNR 1600 AM un

Dem mitvokh, dem 30stn Marts 2011, 7:30 ovnt, vet men hern ba der radio-program "Dos Yidishe Kol" (WUNR 1600-AM, Boston) an intervyu (af yidish) mit Dovid Botwinik vegn zayn lebn un shafn, vegn zayn muzik, un spetsyel vegn dem aroyskum fun bukh "Fun Khurbn Tsum Lebn: Naye Yidishe Lider" ("From Holocaust to Life: New Yiddish Songs"). Dovid Botwinik iz geborn gevorn in Vilne. Nokh dem vos er hot durkhgemakht di tsveyte velt-milkhome, hot er shtudirt muzik in Roym, un hot zikh bazetst in Montreal, vu er iz a profesyoneler muziker. In bukh prezentirt er zayn lebns shafung: 56 originele lider zayne. Me vet oykh hern in program Botwiniks muzik, gezungen un geshpilt fun farsheydene zinger un muziker. Nokh vayterdike informatsye vegn Dovid Botwinikn vendt zikh tsum vebzaytl zayns:

"Dos yidishe kol" iz di vekhntlekhe bostoner yidishe radio-program vos vert transmitirt ale mitvokh 7:30-8:30 ovnt un eyntsaytik durkhn vebzaytl Khapt a kuk afn vebzaytl oder shtelt zikh in farbindung elektronish afn adres oder telefonish mitn numer 617/730-8484, nokh vayterdiker informatsye vegn der program.
7:30 PM - On WUNR 1600 AM and

This Wednesday, March 30, 2011, at 7:30 PM, the "Yiddish Voice" radio program (WUNR 1600-AM, Boston) will feature an interview (in Yiddish) with David Botwinik about his life and work, about his music, and especially about the publication of his new book "From Holocaust to Life: New Yiddish Songs" ("Fun Khurbn Tsum Lebn: Naye Yidishe Lider"). David Botwinik was born in Vilna. After surviving the war, he studied music in Rome and later settled in Montreal, where he's since worked as a professional musician. The book presents his life's work: 56 original songs. Listeners will hear not only about the book, but will also get to hear Botwinik's music, sung and played by various singers and musicians. For further info on David Botwinik visit:

'The Yiddish Voice' (dos yidishe kol), Boston's weekly Yiddish-language radio show, is heard on WUNR 1600 AM every Wednesday evening from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM and live-streamed on the Internet at For more information, visit, email us, or call 617-730-8484.

January 25, 2012

Yiddish Voice: In Memory of Adrienne Cooper, z"l, 25 Jan 2012

The Yiddish Voice: Program in Memory of Adrienne (Khane) Cooper Z"L

WUNR 1600 AM/Boston - Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 7:30 to 8:30 PM

The Boston Yiddish-language radio show The Yiddish Voice will present a program in Yiddish in memory of Adrienne Cooper, also known by her Yiddish name Khane, following Shloyshim, thirty days of mourning, on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, at 7:30 PM on WUNR 1600 AM radio in Boston, and also livestreamed on the web at

Adrienne Cooper, who died December 25, 2011, at age 65, was considered one of the best Yiddish singers in the world, as well as a researcher and interpreter of Yiddish music and Yiddish culture generally.

Participants in the program include Michael Wex, Zalmen Mlotek, Meyshke Alpert, and Josh Waletzky, who were among her long-time
friends and collaborators.

The Yiddish Voice ("Dos Yidishe Kol" in Yiddish) is a weekly Yiddish language radio show broadcast on WUNR 1600 AM, Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 PM. For further information, visit the web site:,
email us, or call 1-617-730-8484.

November 27, 2013

"Erev Thanksgivukkah" on Yiddish Voice, 27 Nov 2013

"Erev Thanksgivukkah" Live! Wednesday Night on the Yiddish Voice WUNR 1600-AM/Boston

Wednesday, Nov 27, 2013, 7:30 PM

Internationally renowned Yiddish music master Hankus Netsky joins several musical friends live in-studio on "The Yiddish
Voice" (WUNR 1600-AM, Boston) on Wednesday, November 27, 2013, at 7:30 PM, to celebrate "Erev Thanksgivukkah", the eve of both Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah, an extremely rare occurrence in Jewish and American calendars. Hanukkah music, as well as music giving thanks for America, will be played live.

Dr. Hankus Netsky, chair of the Contemporary Improvisation Department at the New England Conservatory founder and director of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, and musical director, producer and arranger for "Eternal Echoes," Itzhak Perlman's acclaimed Jewish music project, featuring cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot. He has composed extensively for film, theater, and television, and has also collaborated on projects with such artists as Robin Williams, Joel Grey, and Theodore Bikel.

Besides Netsky, additional anticipated musical guests include Henry Carrey, Linda Gritz, and Dina Ressler.

Henry Carrey is the son of Leah Carrey, the late longtime Boston Jewish radio celebrity, and a veteran Yiddish actor and singer.

Linda Gritz is a founding member of the Boston Workman's Circle Yiddish Chorus, and leads monthly Yiddish singalongs in Brookline.

Dobe (Dena) Ressler is bandleader, cofounder, and clarinetist of Di Bostoner Klezmorim (

The Yiddish Voice (Dos Yidishe Kol), Boston's weekly Yiddish-language radio show, is heard each week on WUNR 1600 AM from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM and live-streamed on the Internet at For more information, visit