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Yehudit Ravitz, NYC, Mar 12

Yehudit Ravitz: Live at Symphony Space

Saturday, March 12th at 8pm
Presented by the JCC in Manhattan
Tel: (646)505-5708
To register, visit jccarts.org or call (646)505-5708.
Tickets are $35.
$60: Prime seating plus invitation to reception after the concert.

Held at Peter Norton Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th Street.

Don’t miss this spectacular evening with one of Israel's most interesting singer/songwriters. Full of energy and passion, her powerful music has made an undeniable mark on the Israeli music scene, capturing audiences with her intense beauty and original lyrics. A rare chance to see one of Israel's rock icons, live in New York.


great show , such a diversity of songs, even without knowing the language fluently,her music joins together generations ,dor v dor. the performance is universaly understood.the audience sang her songs to her what can be more flattering to a performer. I was disappointed that I couldn't buy a C.D. after the show. Next time the event should be coordinated so the JCC can sell the C.D.'s or a record store should be hooked up to the event or she can sell them directly.

Thanks for the post. Ravitz is a wonderful singer - so glad to hear that she got an audience that knows that.

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