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JMI KlezFest London, London, UK, Aug 17

JMI Summer Cantorial IntensiveKlezFest London:
Sunday 12 - Friday 17 August 2007 (at WLS)

At last clarinettist David Krakauer joins the visiting faculty from USA, UK, Europe and the Former Soviet Union, for six days of inspirational instrumental, song and dance workshops. Advanced klezmorim delve into Ottoman connections with Joshua Horowitz and Cookie Segelstein. Klezmer virgins get the low down on What is Klezmer? All can discover how to fuse Jewish music with the musics of the world with 'Socalled' (Josh Dolgin), Frank London and David Krakauer.
Information T:020 8909 2445
For further information: www.jmi.org.uk/ashkenazimusic/events/07_klezfest_otazoy.html

There will be opportunities to form specific ensembles led by faculty members, take instrumental tuition and learn the role of the accompaniment instruments, bass lines and rhythms and of melody instruments. We offer existing bands and singers masterclasses on musical arrangements, interpretation and stage presentation. A professional strand also includes how to get on in the music business. Evening programmes include showcases of new bands, a faculty concert and dances and jams. Faculty also includes Ilana Cravitz, Guy Schalom, Andreas Schmitges, Merlin Shepherd, Sophie Solomon Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer.
(Daily 9.15am – 11.00pm )

Includes Klezfest in the Park, Sunday 12 August 2.30 – 5.30pm
and Klezmer Klimax! – The Ultimate Klezmer Concert with stars of the klezmer firmament, Wednesday 15 August 8.00pm
Venue to be advised.

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