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Dr. Mordchai Yushkovski, Marina Yakobovitz, Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct 10, 2007

10 Oct., 11:30 A. M., "55 years after the cultural pogrom in the former
Soviet Union", Artistic program: the singer Marina Yakobovitz

Arbeter-ring in Yisroel - Brith Haavoda
48 Kalisher Street
Tel aviv Israel

Tel/fax: 972-3-517-6764

10 Oct., 11:30, "55 yor nokhn kultur pogrom in gevezenem ratnfarband", Dr.
Mordchai Yushkovski, In artistisher tayl: di zingerin Marina Yakobovitz

Arbeter-ring in Yisroel - Brith Haavoda
48 Kalisher Street
Tel aviv Israel

Tel/fax: 972-3-517-6764

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