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23rd International Klezmer Festival in צפת Safed, Israel, 6-8 Aug 2013

23rd International Klezmer Festival

Aug 6-8, 2013
Safed, Israel צפת

Tens of thousands of international and local visitors are expected to attend this years (6-8.08.13) International Klezmer Festival in Zefat. The biggest festival of Jewish soul music in the world that is in its 26rd year in Zefat.

Among the artists appearing this year – David Daor, Mirel Reznik, Aharon Razel, Eyal Shiluah, Golan Azulai, Hamadregot, Ben Snof, Daniel Zamir, Musa Berlin, Jimmy Lloyd, Womens group "Klezmiriot", groups and special artists from around the world, Bimat Karliback and many others.

More info: www.klezmerf.com/index.php/english

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