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"Der Nes In Geto," NYC, 24 Apr, 2014

event posterDER NES IN GETO (A Miracle in Warsaw Ghetto)
FREE at Baruch, sponsored by CUNY

Baruch Performing Arts Center
55 Lexington Avenue (enter 25th Street)
NY, NY 10010
Call (646) 312-5073. Reservations are required.
The National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene

Authored in 1944, by H. Leyvick, just one year after the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, this epic drama tells the story of the bravery of one family and their neighbors who fought against overwhelming odds to declare to the world “Mir Zaynen Do!” (We Are Here!) Presented together with the Yiddish Book Center and the Workmen’s Circle / Arbeter Ring.

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