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Jewish Chamber Music, Watertown, MA, 30 Mar, 2014

Jewish Chamber Music for Violin and Piano

Sunday, Mar 30, 2014, 4pm
Yuri's Piano Shop
339 Watertown St. (Rte 16)
Newton, MA

Tix: $20 (advance) / $25 (door)

The Adams Street Shul will present Daniel Broniatowski and Sergey Khanukaev in a benefit concert of Jewish chamber music for violin and piano, on Sunday March 30th.

The concert will showcase classical works with Jewish themes, written by six composers, including composers in Europe, Israel, and America.

The program includes Ernst Bloch's Baal Shem: Three Pictures of Hassidic Life; Max Bruch's Kol Nidre; Paul Ben-Haim's Three Songs Without Words; Aaron Zeitlin's Eli Zion; Joseph Horovitz's Dybbuk Melody; Joseph Achron's Hebrew Melody; and more.

The concert begins at 4:00 PM. The doors will open for a pre-concert wine and cheese reception at 3:15 PM.

The location is Yuri's Piano Shop, on Watertown Street (Route 16) in Newton.

This is a rare opportunity to hear two great musicians playing great music in an intimate setting. Tickets are $25 at the door; but may be purchased in advance for $20.

Use the online form at AdamsStreet.org/event/Concert to make your reservation for a delightful evening of Jewish classical music for violin and piano.

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