Moshe Berlin / L'Olam Loh Eshkach

cheesy type and graphic Moshe Berlin
L'Olam Loh Eshkach

Gal Paz
Tel: (718) 438-9414

CD available in the US from Gal Paz:
4616 13th Ave Brooklyn, NY, 718-438-9414; 5313 13th Ave Brooklyn, NY 718-438-9414

Moshe Berlin is Israel's master klezmer clarinetist. In the music of the late Shlomo Carlebach he seems to have found an affinity second only to his mastery of the Meron tunes that represent the best of Israel's traditional Jewish wedding music. On this album, working with a variety of ensembles he demonstrates how completely he has assimilated Carlebach's music and made it klezmer - or remade the klezmer and made himself a Hasidic master. Throughout, it is Berlin's own soaring, soulful clarinet that lifts this recording from the usual to something special.

On this album, (as was the case on "Yakhad") there are 24 of Carlebach's tunes woven into strings. The titles of the songs identify the name of the starting tune in the string.

Starting off with a deliberate, sensual "Esa Einai" (I lift my eyes), the sweetness of his clarinet lifts the ensemble. Berlin's "K'vakarat" may well be a masterpiece. Always, it is Berlin's clarinet that makes the difference. On "U'fros Aleinu," the recording is down to Berlin and guitar.

This is the sort of recording that will appeal strongly to Carlebach fans and introduce them to Berlin's music. It will also entice Berlin fans and introduce them to the nigunim of Shlomo Carlebach. All benefit, and everyone will enjoy Berlin's playing.

Reviewed by Ari Davidow, 5/2/04


    Side One

  1. Esa Eini
  2. K'vakarat
  3. Moshe and Aharon
  4. Mizmor Shir
  5. U'fros Aleynu
  6. Side Two

  7. Od Yishama
  8. Malokh
  9. V'zokher
  10. Achinu Mikrakov
  11. B'shem Hashem

All tunes by Shlomo Carlebach.

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