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Tzfat Klezmer Festival, Israel, Aug 17-19

The Zfat festival is scheduled to be on 17-19 August 2004.

www.safedfound.org.il (buggy website - beware)


I have three brothers that live in the States, and they have a new band called "Mizrach". They will be in Israel this summer and would defenitley be an amazing addition to this years line up at the Klezmer festival. Does anybody have any contact information?
(You can sample there music at MIZRACH.COM)

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1. E-mail the Tzfat festival

2. Participate in a forum such as the jewish-music mailing list.

please, can you tell me when, in what exact place and at what time its going to be the new Klezmer Music Festival in Tzfat?

Thankyou very much

Aures Moussong

As with the last comment, the only place to get actual information is from the festival, not from a calendar entry posted on the KlezmerShack - which has no connection to the festival - several years ago.

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