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Midnight Minyan, Brooklyn, NY, Apr 16

Beyond Fiddler:
Jewish Tradition & Transformation
April 2&nsash;May 2, 2004

In celebration of Jewish Heritage Month, BAM presents the Fourth Annual Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival, live music, panel discussions, and special guests—all highlighting the innovation and diversity of Jewish-American culture.

Friday, April 16 at 9pm
Midnight Minyan

No cover. $10 food/drink minimum.
30 Lafayette Avenue . Brooklyn, NY

"the aesthetic is something like a bar mitzvah after party, soaked in
Manischewitz and smoky lounge jazz. Liturgical material and Oriental-mode
musings make up the tunesack." -Barnes and Noble.com

With the assistance of A-list players Booker King, Steven Bernstein, and
Peter Apfelbaum, saxophonist Paul Shapiro takes on the religious music of
the Jewish tradition and laces it with a decided downtown jazz point of
view. The result is a rhythmic and challenging hybrid of old and new that
pushes jazz and Jewish music into a new direction. It is a night that
shouldn't be missed.

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