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Sylvie Braitman, San Francisco, Nov 21

Sylvie Braitman, "Les Demoiselles de Pigalle"

Sunday November 14th and 21st, 7PM
The Empire Plush Room, www.empireplushevents.com
940 Sutter Street San Francisco
(415) 885 2800

$20 and two drinks

With M. Grossman (piano)
Odile Lavault (accordion)
Jeremy Cohen (violin)
Michael Knapp (bass)


Sylvie Braitman's moving show is a musical exploration of the world of prostitution. The "oldest profession in the world" has lit the imagination of many lyricists. Abused, harassed, wasted, but also dangerous and seductive in their feminity, prostitutes continue to fascinate us. Perhaps because they trade not only sex, but also illusions, do they strike a very personal chord in each of us. In their extreme misery they point to universal longing. Sung in 5 languages, performed with flair and beauty, Les Demoiselles de Pigalle takes us into the thirties and the streets of Paris, New York, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Panama and Warsaw with unforgettable songs.

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