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Art Bailey's Orkestra Popilar, Brooklyn, NYC, May 26

ART BAILEY'S ORKESTRA POPILAR plays the music of JOSEPH MOSKOWITZ- Accordionist Art Bailey spent years with the Klezmer conservatory band and has also performed with the Del McCoury band and Itzhak Perlman. His new project takes on the music of the great romanian cymbalum player Joseph Moskowitz - which may be some the most beautifu music ever recorded: a lyrical take on eastern european jewish music that integrates romanian and gypsy string music traditions - with Brandon Seabrook on mandolin, (playing cymbalum lines) Yeako Miranda on violin, Nicholas Cudahy on bass and Art Bailey on Accordion

$10 Barbes is located at 376 9th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. 718-965-9177 www.barbesbrooklyn.com

Directions: Take the F TRAIN to 7th Ave and exit to the southwest corner. Make a U-Turn and walk uphill on 9th St. towards 6th Ave. Barbes will be on the left - a couple of stores in from the corner of 6th Ave.


I want a real cymbalom, but I'll be there.

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