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Metropolitan Klezmer, NYC, Jul 9

band photoMetropolitan Klezmer
this Sunday, July 9th
at Riverside Park South's lovely waterfront pier
~free~ sunset concert
Two sets, 6pm - 8pm
Our last scheduled NYC show of the summer... full octet, with special guest.
West 70th St @the Hudson River, kicking off the "Acoustic Sundays" series
Directions to this new-ish park are below -- plus a tip for Ismail Butera fans!

Acoustic Sundays
Riverside Park South is located on the Hudson River waterfront between 62nd & 72nd streets. Acoustic Sunday shows take place on Pier I @ 70th Street.

The entrance to the park is located at 68th St. and Riverside Blvd. (**note that this is not Riverside Drive). Enter Riverside Blvd from 66th or 70th streets. You can also enter the park at 72nd street and walk south to Pier I.

1 Train to 66th St.
Walk west on 66th St. to Riverside Blvd (the end). The Riverside Park South entrance is at 68th St. You will be able to see the park from this entrance.

2 & 3 Trains to 72nd St.
Walk west on 72nd St. and make a left onto West End Ave. Turn right at 70th street and walk west to Riverside Blvd. The Riverside Park South entrance is at 68th St. You will be able to see the park from this entrance.

Use the West End Ave and Broadway lines and follow the above the directions.
Cross-town buses: M72 headed west. The bus will stop at Freedom Place & 68th St. This stop is a block away from the park.

Parking is available is in the Quick-Park lot on 68th Street between Riverside Blvd and Freedom Place.
To enter the lot, drive west on 70th or 66th Streets to Riverside Blvd. Enter the lot on 68th Street.

For more information, please call 311 or 212-408-0219, or visit www.nyc.gov/parks key phrase: summer on the hudson

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