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Theresa Tova, Warsaw, Poland, Dec 4

Theresa TovaTheresa Tova
Warsaw Yiddish Theatre
Dec 4, 8pm

"Tova sings Beyle" at the Warsaw Yiddish Theatre. In her most remarkable, ambitious CD release to date, Theresa Tova celebrates the songs of Yiddish poet and songwriter Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman (National Endowment of the Arts honoree)—reinterpreting these folk gems in settings that are a melange of jazz, world and contemporary pop grooves. Featuring inspired performances by Polish virtuoso jazz musicians.

This is contemporary jazz at its best and Tova sings Beyle in a way no other could. Ten out of Ten for sheer imagination, interpretation and musical originality.—Tony Bates, Highlands Fm, Australia

Sublime...Cool and in Yiddish? ...this CD redefines hip! Nothing short of masterful This is high art, yet also highly listenable music... **** —Glen Dias, singer/musician/co-owner ELIZAGOTH/ALL EARS, Stratford, Ontario, Canada

A wonderful tribute album to a wonderful lady done by a voice that sounds like the angels had something to do with its creation—Bill Hahn, WFDU fm Teaneck New Jersey

An exciting album: Beyle's songs are so moving and Theresa's voice is a knock-out...what a combination! ...a brilliant listening experience.—Harold Ellison "The Jazz Cafe", TripleU-FM Nowra, New South Wales Australia

A beguiling voice... fascinating... the accompaniment is excellent. I have no hesitation in playing this music to an audience whose first language is Welsh—why not!! ...we are enjoying it immensely. —Tony Wickham, Radio Maldwyn, UK

It's new and familiar at the same time We are thrilled to find out that you'll be singing here,and Beyle's songs at that!—Januk Weinsberg, Warsaw Reform Synagogue, Poland

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