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Zhok Therapy, Lewiston, ME, Feb 27, 2008

Zhok Therapy in concert
Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the Lewiston, ME Public Library.
The free public event will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. in Callahan Hall on the library's third floor.

Zhok Therapy is the unruly alter-ego of Maine's well-known klezmer band, the Casco Bay Tummlers. Zhok Therapy still has one toe in the klezmer tradition, but has expanded their repertoire to include Greek, Balkan, and Middle Eastern music. Adding further influences from jazz and blues, their deep grooves and improvisations are both innovative and well rooted in a rich and varied ethnicity. "Zhok Therapy will remedy whatever ails with their cross pollinations." The band will be joined by special guest Mark Tipton, on trumpet, for these two performances. Tipton is an immensely gifted improvisor and composer who has recently returned to Maine after a number of years in New York City. The other band members are: Carl Dimow, flutes and guitars, Steve Gruverman, clarinets and saxophone, Julie Goell, bass and vocals, Hayes Porterfield, percussion.
(A zhok, by the way, is a type of Jewish and Middle Eastern rhythm.)

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