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Gottesman, Socolov, Schaechter-Gottesman, Bronx, NY, Jun 22, 2008

This Sunday, June 22, 1:30 PM Itzik Gottesman and Emily Socolov will speak, in Yiddish, on their recent trip to the Ukraine, and in particular the Bukovina. They will show many slides so if your Yiddish is not up to speed you still might find it interesting.

After the talk, Itzik's mother, Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, will accompany her son and sing 6 or 7 songs from Bukovina, including his grandmother's older folksongs, and Beyle's interwar Chernovitz-based repertory and original songs. And, if he can learn it in time, a song that was sung at Gimpel's Yiddish Theater in Lviv/Lemberg in the early 1900s, since Lviv was one of his stops in Bukovina.

The talk is entitled "On the Trail of Our Yesteryears" and takes place at the Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center 3301 Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx NY, corner 208th st. one block from Montefiore Hospital.

information 917-930-0295 admission: $3.50

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