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Festival of traditional music and dance, Rehovot, Israel, 4 Nov 2008

Festival of traditional music and dance
Sunday, Nov 2–5, 2008
Wix Auditorium
Weizmann Institute
Rehovot, Israel

(08) 946-7890

We are happy to make you a part of an important cultural event.
In 2007 the idea to popularize Israeli folklore and folklore of different Israeli communities together with connoisseurs of the international folklore traditions united their efforts to set up a new cultural forum - an annual Folklore Festival taking place in Rehovot, the center of Israeli science.
2.11.2008- 19:30-21:00- workshop and dance sessions (Georgia folk dances)
Sport Hall, Beit sefer Sarid, Rehovot
3.11.2008- 19:30-21:00- workshop and dance sessions (East Folk dances)
Sport Hall , Beit sefer Sarid, Rehovot
4.11.2008- 19:30-21:00- workshop and dance sessions (Irish Folk dances)
Sport Hall , Beit sefer Sarid, Rehovot

Folk Dance Revolution!-
The 2nd Folk Dance Contest!
The best Israeli folkdance ensembles from Carmiel, Ashkelon, Bat-Yam, Ashdod and more.... Dances from Israel, Caucasus, Georgia, Ukraine, Yemen, Mexico, Klezmer and Arabian dances....
Irish, Russian, Balkan Rhythms and Klezmer Melodies with Tapuach beDvash Folk Music Band
Gypsy, Bulgarian and Macedonian Songs with Talia Solan

Handcrafts and folk bazaar, music supplies, jewelry and more.....
Great food!


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