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Reuben Hoch, Oakland Park, FL, 18 Feb 2009

Reuben HochReuben Hoch
Wednesday February 18, 2009 9pm
Alligator Alley
1321 E. Commercial Blvd,
Oakland Park, FL
Tel: (954) 771-2220

Mixin' it up for a little chaynge. Can't deny the contribution that groups like Medeski Martin and Wood have made to the the modern music scene. Reachin' out for more spontaneous jam with lots of energy. The new group is called SouthGroove and features my son, Adiel, on guitar and Sergio Caiazzo on bass. We're hoping to have a young mystery guest with us on this gig, so please come by! Check out a clip of the trio with Colin James on youtube playin' "The Chicken"; www.youtube.com/rhochjazz.

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