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Andy Statman, WJMF opener, Washington, DC, 4 Jun 2009

Andy StatmanThe Washington Jewish Music Festival - 6/4-6/11

The Andy Statman Trio
Aaron & Cecile Goldman Theater, Washington DCJCC
June 4, 8:00 pm

Followed by a 10th anniversary party

Fusing bluegrass and American roots music, avant-garde jazz, Jewish klezmer and Hassidic sources, Andy Statman has reached legendary status in the Jewish and non-Jewish music worlds. His virtuosity on the mandolin and clarinet garnered him a Grammy nomination in 2008 for Best Country Music Instrumental. He has collaborated with celebrated artists across the music world, including Itzhak Perlman, Jerry Garcia and Bela Fleck. Andy infuses classic American sounds with spirituality and Jewish mysticism, creating a truly unique experience for audiences of all ages. Accompanied by Larry Eagle on drums and James Whitney on the bass, the Andy Statman Trio puts on a stunning and versatile show.

“a music [not] bound by denomination but a beautiful, vital sound full of heat, heart and a love of God.”
—Rolling Stone

“The moods range from joyously vibrant to darkly plaintive. A fascinating and moving mixture.”
—Jazz Times

This performance is funded by the Arthur Tracy “The Street Singer” Endowment Fund. Honoring the memory and musical legacy of Arthur Tracy—the renowned radio, stage and screen singer and entertainer whose talent delighted millions around the world—the arts programs supported by this fund continue Tracy’s ability to entertain for years to come.

Co-sponsored by the Folklore Society of Greater Washington

Festival logoPresented in partnership with Teev Events, Inc.
Co-sponsored by the Embassy of Israel

For information: 202-777-3251 or wjmf.org.


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