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15th International Association of Yiddish Clubs Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 26-29, 2013

The theme of the conference "Feast of Yiddish Language and Culture" covers the cultural role of East European Jewish community up to the Holocaust. As the list of speakers lengthens, you will be told of them and their topics. Just to name a few now: Prof. Yoshiji Hirose who will speak on Yiddish in Japan. He is an English professor at Notre Dame University in Japan and has written two books on Yiddish topics.

Boris Sandler and Dr. Itzik Gottesman, the editor and associate editor of the Forverts will be keynote speakers. The opening keynote speaker will be Naftali Ejdelman, Educational Director of The Yiddish Farm. These regular updates will give us the opportunity to speak about the over 30 other speakers of the conference in which we shall be stressing the increasing role of Yiddish translators.

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