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BJMF: Michael Alpert, San Francisco, CA, 6 Mar 2013

28th Jewish Music Festival - Berkeley - San Francisco

michael alpertMichael Alpert

Wed, 6 Mar 2013, 6:00 - 7:30
San Francisco Public Library
Koret Auditorium
Main Library
100 Larkin St.
San Francisco, CA

More info: www.sfpl.org/index.php?pg=1011652001

In song and music, a pioneering figure of the Yiddish/klezmer renaissance celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Ansky Ethnographic Expeditions that collected Jewish folklore and music from the shtetlekh of the Russian Empire, as part of the blossoming of contemporary Yiddish culture and commemorates the 70th anniversary of the heroic Warsaw ghetto uprising during the darkest days for the Yiddish world in Eastern Europe.

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