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Balkan Night includes KlezWoods, Concord, MA 15 Mar 2014

Balkan Night 2014
March 15th @ 51 Walden St., Concord, MA
7pm-3am! (8:25 Klezwoods set)


Once again the ensemble of rag tag Klezmer/Balkan ruffians are heading out to the birthplace of the American Revolution (Concord, MA) for Balkan Night 2014.
Celebrating the music of the Balkans, FPAC put together dozens of bands performing 20 minute sets of music from different regions of Eastern Europe.
The concert portion will be from 7-9, followed by a all night dance party until 3am! Klezwoods is playing a night of Balkan inspired music for the concert. It's not a night you want to miss...trust us!

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