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Klezwoods, Klezperanto, Cambridge, MA, 28 Oct 2014

klezwoodsKlezwoods and Klezperanto
The 2nd Annual Regattabar Klezmer Music Festival

October 28th, 7:30pm
The Ragattabar (at the Charles Hotel)
1 Bennett St.,
Cambridge, MA 02138


The 2nd Annual Klezmer Festival at the Regattabar will open up with Klezperanto followed by the full 10-piece Klezwoods ensemble. This is truly a match made in heaven. Klezperanto re-grooves tradition Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, rockabilly, cumbia and Romanian surf music. www.klezperanto.com
The Klezwoods set is a special one that will feature small instrumental ensembles as well as the full group playing an original set of music composed by members in the band. Many of these songs will be recorded on the new album.

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