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Israel Folkdance Festival @ Boston Jewish Music Fest, Newton, MA, 15 Mar 2015

festival logoIsrael Folkdance Festival

Sun, Mar 15, 2015, 3pm
MIT's Kresge Auditorium
48 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA

Tickets: $15: You can purchase advance tickets online.

Hundreds of dancers will take to the stage at the Israel Folkdance Festival of Boston. Our thirty-ninth annual performance includes dancing feet and flying horas, Spanish-infused Ladino steps, lithe Yemenite movements, and all capped by a huge finale filling the stage and the aisles en masse for the premier Israeli folk dance festival in the entire country with 20 performing groups from the Boston area and beyond. For further information contact: info@bostonfestival.org or find us on Facebook.

More info: bostonjewishmusicfestival.org/events/israel-folkdance-festival-3/

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