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Shepherd, Biret & Kaston: Songs of Steppe & Shteitl, Montreal, Canada, 12 May 2016

Shepherd, Biret & Kaston: Songs of Steppe & Shteitl

Thursday, May 12 at 7 PM - 8:30 PM
École de musique Vincent-d'Indy
628, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine,
Outremont, Quebec H2V 2C5, Canada

Tickets available

A unique collaboration between three outstanding artistis, each steeped in Klezmer tradition spanning centuries and continents! Our very own Zilien Biret, on clarinet, originally from Reunion Island, Yoni Kaston a montrealer and a multi-instrumentalist who will be performing on an accordion this time, and mesmerizing Polina Shepherd (UK), vocals and piano, will come together in a single "salon" concert in Montreal in the stunning 19th century salon at Vincent D'Indy conservatory. Only 55 seats! Reserve early at our advance rate of $25. At the door - $30.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/1668439486744769/

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