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New Reviews on Klezmershack

This is my week to catch up on some distinctly non-Klezmer music of interest to KlezmerShack readers. In particular, I realized that I had, on hand, three CDs representing two fiddlers for the interesting New York modern Jewish music band, "Golem". It was too much to resist. None of these recordings resemble anything I have heard about Golem. All three are treasures. Enjoy.

Album cover: Another ambiguous Tzadik paintingViolinist Jenny Sheinman released her first album on Tzadik's "Radical Jewish Music" series back in 2002. Called "The Rabbi's Lover" it explores an interesting and pleasing fusion between Jewish sources and jazz. Album cover: And yet ambiguous Tzadik photoNow, two years later, she has composed something entirely new for Tzadik's "Oracle" series, "Shalagaster". In it, she explores textures, sound, and the fusion between her very lyrical violin playing and some occasionally minimalist, always driven experimental jazz. Delightful.

Album cover: Very lovely cropped picture of the fiddler on a bench, holding her instrumentI met Alicia Jo Rabins at an Alicia Svigals concert here in Boston. A student of Svigals, she asked if I would be interested in hearing some non-klezmer music she had recently recorded. One never knows, so of course I said, 'yes', and was promptly rewarded with the best southern and old-timey album I have heard in years. The album is mostly instrumental, but when she sings, Rabins is as lovely in voice as she is when playing the fiddle. This is just a great, great album. Rabins has recently joined Golem, replacing the departing Jenny Scheinman. It will be very interesting to hear the result. In the meantime, don't be shy about purchasing extra copies of "Sugar Shack" and passing them around to people you love.

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