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A Great Day on Eldridge Street - the Podcasts!

photo, from NextbookIt's not enough any more to write about an event. It isn't complete without the blogs full of photos. But, I've already presented those. Today, from two different sources, I got the podcasts.

First, the folks at Nextbook did a really nice job of gathering photos (including the final photo of the musicians) and captured the event on audio. For a delightful "you are there" impression of the synagogue and the event, listen to Julie Subrin narrate, and let the sounds behind her do the talking.

The redoubtable Mark Rubin wasn't on Eldridge St. (but he made sure his friends knew about it, and why. I, for one, am grateful.) Neither was Henry Sapoznik. Jon Kalish captures their voices, along with the people and music which did make the scene, for the Forward.

Two very different audio diaries of the same event. Brought to you in one place through the magic of Kabbalah, er, HTML. Enjoy.