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Duo Brikcius, Tabor, Czech Republic, 14 Sep 2009

As a part of the European Days of Jewish Culture you are invited to another "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour" concert of two Czech cellists (and siblings) Anna Brikciusova and Frantisek Brikcius. Concert will be on Monday 14th September 2009, 7pm, at the Divadlo Oskara Nedbala Tabor (Divadelni 218, Tabor, Czech Republic).

In addition to Fantasie IV (2008) by the Czech composer and organist Irena Kosikova, Duo Brikcius will feature Duo for Violin and Cello (1939-40) by the Jewish - Terezin composer Gideon Klein, as arranged for two cellos. Held under the auspices of the Prague City councillor for culture and heritage and the Italian Culture Institute in Prague. Concert will feature music by L. Boccherini, W. A. Mozart, G. Rossini, P. Hindemith, G. Klein and I. Kosikova as well.

In the cooperation with Divadlo Oskara Nedbala Tabor. "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour" concerts are participating at the "Daniel Pearl World Music Days" festival. For more information please visit www.Brikcius.com

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