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Hilda Bronstein, London, UK, 13 Sep 2009

Hilda BronsteinA Concert series with prize-winning Yiddish singer Hilda Bronstein and Yair Schleider on piano and accordion

Each of the four programmes in this concert series will cover a different aspect of the extraordinary Jewish history in the Yiddish speaking world, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Most songs will be sung in Yiddish but each one will be placed in context and explained. The themes will be as follows:

September 13—The Shtetl
October 6—The Ghetto and The Shoah
January 10—Immigration: Israel and America
March 21—New Songs in Yiddish

Spiro Ark Centre
25-26 Enford Street
London, W1H 1DW

Entry: £12 / £10 conc. or £40 for the 4
Tel. 020 7723 9991 Fax 020 7723 8191

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