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What's new on these pages?

Just discovered last night that there were still references to Virtual Ashkenaz, something that ended several years ago. Yet another reason to get all of this content into a database and viewable by a few, reasonably-paid-attention-to templates. For now, however, I think I got rid of the old bottom-of-the-page code wherever it was left. There are still a few generations of page layout on the site, but at least the data are okay>
Wow. This is embarrassing. I haven't gotten around to updating this in almost four years. But then, I've been working on "the new KlezmerShack" for about that long. No spare time. This weekend, however, I put Moveable Type onto the main page, making it easier for me to post blurbs about the KlezmerShack, and whatever else seems important. It's a start. Now I have to finish making the CSS work in current browsers. If you are using Netscape 4.whatever, or IE 3.whatever, or earlier, too bad. There are wonderful, recent browsers in many varieties. I'll meet you half way. I'll learn to code CSS. You get a current browser that can take advantage of my coding.
Pushed by serious downtime on the WELL, the site moves to its new home on Time to find discrepancies and bugs!!!
Am adding lots of relatively pointless JavaScript thingies for my own fun. I'll take most of this out once I have a better sense of what I can do and can't do with it. In the meantime, bear with me while I push some personal boundaries of a non-klez kind.
Finally figured out how to take advantage of a search engine hosted on another site that I used. So, there is now searching! Sheesh. At least. Welcome to the modern world, ari.
I haven't gotten the new database far enough along, so I split off the "bands by location" from "bands by alphabet" pages, so that each will load a bit more quickly.
In keeping with the success of the "Virtual Ashkenaz" experiment, I have decided to replace the link to the WELL's Jewish conference pages with a link to the gateway to Virtual Ashkenaz. We'll see what happens. Bless BBEdit for making such a change sane and easy!
Today added a page, howto.html describing how to get listed and reviewed, and noting problems with producing websites and CD liner notes and how to avoid them. In recent weeks have also updated my article about the klezmer revival to talk more about what klez is. Sound samples are also being served by Mark David's Yiddish Voice pages, so while reading the newer reviews you get to hear the samples immediately instead of having to download them. This is both good and bad--the latter, because you can no longer download and store the sound samples for playing while offline. Will await feedback.
Finished the review of Adrienne Cooper's wonderful Dreaming in Yiddish,complete with RA samples. Added RA samples to the Flying Bulgars, Fire.
Found a calendar! For now, I have implemented access to it via modest access from sidepanels in a couple of pages. Let's see what the response is and what maintenance is like and try for more. Renamed the pages the "Klezmer Shack." One of the pioneer web discussion forums was called "Bianca's Smut Shack." (No, it isn't about smut or someone named Bianca.) In a recent move, Radio Shack has filed a cease-and-desist order, apparently because both entities use the word "shack". This is pretty silly, and pretty bad news for those of us who see languages as being comprised of more than trademarkable nouns. The most useful response, of course, is to make "shack" generic for web spots. You can also send e-mail to Radio Shack from a page maintained by Jim Hart.
Spent the weekend creating RealAudio samples for the new Budowitz and Klezmania reviews. Am leaning towards leaving the pages with the current name, or just calling them, "the Klezmer Pages."
I have decided to rename the pages. When I started these pages, I assumed that every klez fan on the web would have pages up and we'd all have different takes on klezmer. Instead, this seems to be the main klezmer site. Period. I don't want to call it "Ari Davidow's Klezmer Pages" any more. It's not mine, and my ego really isn't big enough to sustain this (big, monstrous even, just not this big). If you have a good idea for a new name, please send me e-mail. If your suggestion is chosen, I'll send you a copy of a klezmer sampler cassette I made for friends last year. It's a great tape! And, of course, you get lots of kudos, in public, on =The= Klezmer Pages of record ;-). Otherwise, I've finally finished the review of an older, but wonderful Di Gojim (Noch a Sjoh, 1993), Geduldig un Thimann / a haymish groove, and corrected yet more bad links. I'll be gone for a week or so as of this afternoon, so I hope things stay fixed!
Along with some new reviews, there is now a "vaguely klezclassified" page and I've moved this news to its own page.
Part of the major redesign was to put in bad URLs for everything. That should be fixed now.
Major redesign! Among other things, there are now links to articles and reviews all over the Internet. I hope I haven't broken too many links on these pages in the process.
I've just added a feedback form for giving me your opinion about these pages, and to make it easier to get yourself listed in the klezcontacts pages. Next stop--major redesign of klezcontacts.
I have just moved to Boston, so I'm job-hunting and still not quite settled. Prior to that was the Eastern Europe tour. Adding to these pages, (except for the klezcontacts page, will not have it's usual priority for a while, although I do have some reviews to add "real soon now."
August 1996
Sounds! I've added some RealAudio samples from the latest New Orleans Klezmer AllStars album. More samples to come when I have my regular computer shipped cross-country. In the meantime, on 11/13/96 I fixed this feature, so if you tried before, try again. I'm not sure why I thought it worked before, but this time, "fer sher".
May 1996
The Klezmer Top Ten (more or less) list is launched!--actual polling added, then updated 8/96
Lev Liberman and David Julian Gray talk about The Klezmorim,, the band that started the Klezmer revival.
Saturday, 9/29/95.
Again, playing catchup. It is clear that the klezcontacts page needs to be enlarged yet again--I need to include the European folks and rethink how people are found by location. How to do that and keep the size manageable? Still haven't looked again at sound clips. Some new reviews today, and last week. Want very much to focus on my hometown Bay Area musicians, soon. It's a shande that I don't have more of them listed, and more of their albums reviewed. Put info on Fishl Kutner and Der Bay on the home page.
Sunday, 7/23/95.
Trying to catch up after a couple of weeks of crazy business. Lots of new pages I want up. Have figured out how to do sound clips, but haven't figured out where to put them (am running out of space). Need to finish up setting up webspace on my domain so that I can begin using that 10MB of space. Spent the morning reworking the klezcontacts page, trying to make it more useful for networking, and in going over recent messages to make sure that I have gotten everyone included that I know about. Caught up on current gossip for the "coming soon" section of the main page. Added generic page for Maxwell St. Klezmer Band in lieu of full review of any given album.

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